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ACHTUNG: Die Plugins haben (noch) keine gültige ID Nummer. Bei neueren Objekten habe ich noch Python Scripts eingefügt (*. txt müssen in *.py umbenannt werden).
Attraktor | Cinema 12 | |
1. | 3-Cells CNN Attraktor | 3-Cells_CNN.cof |
2. | Aizawa Attraktor | Aizawa.cof |
3. | Arneodo Attraktor | Arneodo.cof |
4. | Bouali Attraktor | Bouali.cof |
5. | Burke-Shaw Attraktor | Burke-Shaw.cof |
6. | Chen-Celikovsky Attraktor | Chen-Celikovsky.cof |
7. | Chen-Lee Attraktor | Chen-Lee.cof |
8. | Dequan Li Attraktor | Dequan-Li.cof |
9. | Finance Attraktor | Finance.cof |
10. | Genesio-Tesi Attraktor | Genesio-Tesi.cof |
11. | Hadley Attraktor | Hadley.cof |
12. | Halvorsen Attraktor | Halvorsen.cof |
13. | Newton-Leipnik Attraktor | Newton-Leipnik.cof |
14. | Nose-Hoover Attraktor | Nose-Hoover.cof |
15. | Rayleigh-Benard Attraktor | Rayleigh-Benard.cof |
16. | Rucklidge Attraktor | Rucklidge.cof |
17. | Sakarya Attraktor | Sakarya.cof |
18. | Shimizu-Morioka Attraktor | Shimizu-Morioka.cof |
19. | Sprott-Linz A Attraktor | Sprott-Linz_A.cof |
20. | Sprott-Linz B Attraktor | Sprott-Linz_B.cof |
21. | Sprott-Linz C Attraktor | Sprott-Linz_C.cof |
22. | Sprott-Linz D Attraktor | Sprott-Linz_D.cof |
23. | Sprott-Linz E Attraktor | Sprott-Linz_E.cof |
24. | Sprott-Linz F Attraktor | Sprott-Linz_F.cof |
25. | Sprott-Linz G Attraktor | Sprott-Linz_G.cof |
26. | Sprott-Linz H Attraktor | Sprott-Linz_H.cof |
27. | Sprott-Linz I Attraktor | Sprott-Linz_I.cof |
28. | Sprott-Linz J Attraktor | Sprott-Linz_J.cof |
29. | Sprott-Linz K Attraktor | Sprott-Linz_K.cof |
30. | Sprott-Linz L Attraktor | Sprott-Linz_L.cof |
31. | Sprott-Linz M Attraktor | Sprott-Linz_M.cof |
32. | Sprott-Linz N Attraktor | Sprott-Linz_N.cof |
33. | Sprott-Linz O Attraktor | Sprott-Linz_O.cof |
34. | Sprott-Linz P Attraktor | Sprott-Linz_P.cof |
35. | Sprott-Linz Q Attraktor | Sprott-Linz_Q.cof |
36. | Sprott-Linz R Attraktor | Sprott-Linz_R.cof |
37. | Sprott-Linz S Attraktor | Sprott-Linz_S.cof |
38. | Strizhak-Kawczynski Attraktor | Strizhak-Kawczynski.cof |
39. | Tamari Attraktor | Tamari.cof |
40. | Thomas Attraktor | Thomas.cof |
41. | TSUCS 1 Attraktor | TSUCS_1.cof |
42. | TSUCS 2 Attraktor | TSUCS_2.cof |
43. | Matsumoto Chua Kobayashi Attraktor | MCK.cof |
44. | Hindmarsh–Rose Attraktor | Hindmarsh–Rose_Model.cof |
45. | Liu-Chen Attraktor | Liu-Chen.cof |
46. | Multi Chua II Attraktor | Multi-Chua-II.cof |
47. | Robinson Attraktor | Robinson.cof |
48. | Brusselator | Brusselator.cof |
49. | Oscillating Chemical Reaction | Oscillating_Chemical_Reaction.cof |
50. | Buckling Column Model | Buckling_Column_Model.cof |
51. | Rayleigh Model | Rayleigh_Model.cof |
52. | Cathala Attraktor | Cathala.cof Cathala-Attraktor.txt |
53. | Sprott Elhadj Attraktor | Sprott_Elhadj.cof |
54. | Modified Lozi Attraktor | Modified_Lozi.cof |
55. | Multifold Henon Attraktor | Multifold_Henon.cof Multifold-Henon-Attraktor.txt |
56. | Mira Attraktor | Mira.cof |
57. | Gumowski-Mira Attraktor | Gumowski-Mira.cof |
58. | Hopalong Attraktor | Hopalong.cof |
59. | Martin Attraktor | Martin.cof |
60. | Popcorn Attraktor | Popcorn.cof |
61. | Popcorn 2 Attraktor | Popcorn2.cof Popcorn2-Spline.cof |
62. | Chua Cubic Attraktor | Chua_Cubic.cof |
63. | Polynomial A Attraktor | Polynomial_A.cof |
64. | Polynomial B Attraktor | Polynomial_B.cof |
65. | Polynomial C Attraktor | Polynomial_C.cof |
66. | Polynomial D Attraktor | Polynomial_D.cof |
67. | Polynomial E Attraktor | Polynomial_E.cof |
68. | Polynomial F Attraktor | Polynomial_F.cof |
69. | Pickover Attraktor | Pickover.cof Pickover-Attraktor.txt Pickover-Attraktor-3D.txt |
70. | Hourlass Attraktor | Hourglass.cof |
71. | Sunflower Attraktor | Sunflower.cof |
72. | Flames Attraktor | Flames.cof |
73. | Ushiki Attraktor | Ushiki.cof |
74. | ACT Attraktor | ACT.cof |
75. | Coupled Lorenz Attraktor | Coupled-Lorenz.cof |
76. | Dadras Attraktor | Dadras.cof |
77. | Lorenz-Stenflo Attraktor | Lorenz-Stenflo.cof |
78. | Lorenz Mod 1 Attraktor | Lorenz_Mod1.cof |
79. | Lorenz Mod 2 Attraktor | Lorenz_Mod2.cof |
80. | Lü-Chen Attraktor | Lue-Chen.cof |
81. | Qi-3D Attraktor | Qi-3D.cof |
82. | Qi-Chen Attraktor | Qi-Chen.cof |
83. | Wang Attraktor | Wang.cof |
84. | Wimol-Banlue Attraktor | Wimol-Banlue.cof |
85. | Yu-Wang Attraktor | Yu-Wang.cof |
86. | Qi Attraktor | Qi.cof |
87. | Xing-Yun Attraktor | Xing-Yun.cof |
88. | Four-Wing Attraktor | Four-Wing.cof |
89. | Hyperchaotic Qi Attraktor | Hyperchaotic_Qi.cof |
90. | Hyperchaotic Jha Attraktor | Hyperchaotic_Jha.cof |
91. | Anishchenko-Astakhov Attraktor | Anishchenko-Astakhov.cof |
92. | Strelkova-Anishchenko Attraktor | Strelkova-Anishchenko.cof |
93. | Arnold Map | Arnold.cof |
94. | Cat Map | Cat.cof |
95. | Heagy and Hammel Map | Heagy-Hammel.cof |
96. | Coullet Attraktor | Coullet.cof |
97. | HCA Attraktor | HCA.cof |
98. | Wang-Sun Attraktor | Wang-Sun.cof |
99. | Tent Map | Tent.cof |
100. | Muthuswamy-Chua Attraktor | Muthuswamy-Chua.cof |
101. | Coupled Logistic Map | Coupled-Logistic-Map.cof Coupled-Logistic-Map.txt Coupled-Logistic-Map-Start1.txt Coupled-Logistic-Map-Start2.txt Coupled-Logistic-Map-Start3.txt Coupled-Logistic-Map-Feige.txt |
102. | Hyperchaotic Bao Attraktor | Hyperchaotic_Bao.cof |
103. | Hyperchaotic Cai Attraktor | Hyperchaotic_Cai.cof |
104. | Hyperchaotic Lorenz Attraktor | Hyperchaotic_Lorenz.cof |
105. | Hyperchaotic Lü Attraktor | Hyperchaotic_Lue.cof |
106. | Hyperchaotic Pang Attraktor | Hyperchaotic_Pang.cof |
107. | Hyperchaotic Wang Attraktor | Hyperchaotic_Wang.cof |
108. | Hyperchaotic Xu Attraktor | Hyperchaotic_Xu.cof |
109. | Hyperchaotic Yan Attraktor | Hyperchaotic_Yan.cof |
110. | Hyperchaotic Yang-Chen Attraktor | Hyperchaotic_Yang-Chen.cof |
111. | Mathieu van der Pol Attraktor | Mathieu-von_der_Pol.cof |
112. | Grebogi Attraktor | Grebogi.cof |
113. | Sine Map Attraktor | Sine.cof |
114. | Sinai Map Attraktor | Sinai_Map.cof |
115. | Henon Attraktor | Henon.cof |
116. | Holmes Attraktor | Holmes.cof |
117. | Sine Delay Attraktor | Sine-Delay.cof |
118. | Burgers Map Attraktor | Burgers.cof Burgers1.py |
119. | Cao-Lai Map Attraktor | Cao-Lai.cof |
120. | Quasiperiodically forced Henon Map Attraktor | Q-Henon.cof |
121. | Nishikawa-Kaneko Attraktor | Nishikawa-Kaneko.cof |
122. | Quasiperiodically forced Henon Map 2 Attraktor | Q-Henon2.cof |
123. | Four Wing 2 Attraktor | Four-Wing2.cof |
124. | Four Wing 3 Attraktor | Four-Wing3.cof |
125. | Zhou Attraktor | Zhou.cof |
126. | Zhou-Chen Attraktor | Zhou-Chen.cof |
127. | Elhadj-Sprott Attraktor | Elhadj-Sprott.cof |
128. | Marotto-Lorenz Attraktor | Marotto-Lorenz.cof |
129. | Rekurrenzplots | Rekurrenz-Kurve.cof Rekurrenz-Sinus.cof Rekurrenz-Burgers.cof Rekurrenz-Cat.cof Rekurrenz-Henon.cof |
130. | Rekurrenzplot Rechteckkurve (Fourier) | Rekurrenz-Rechteck-Fourier.cof |
131. | Rekurrenzplot Dreieckkurve (Fourier) | Rekurrenz-Dreieck-Fourier.cof |
132. | Rekurrenzplot Sägezahnkurve (Fourier) | Rekurrenz-Sägezahn-Fourier.cof |
133. | Rekurrenzplot Einweggleichrichtung (Fourier) | Rekurrenz-Einweggleichrichtung-Fourier.cof |
134. | Rekurrenzplot Gleichrichtung (Fourier) | Rekurrenz-Gleichrichtung-Fourier.cof |
135. | Rekurrenzplot Parabelkurve (Fourier) | Rekurrenz-Parabel-Fourier.cof |
136. | Rekurrenzplot Sinc Funktion | Rekurrenz-Sinc.cof |
137. | Rekurrenzplot Gabor Funktion | Rekurrenz-Gabor.cof |
138. | Rekurrenzplot Sigmoid Funktion | Rekurrenz-Sigmoid.cof |
139. | Rekurrenzplot Tschebyschow Polynome | Rekurrenz-Tschebyschow.cof |
140. | Rekurrenzplot Legendre Polynome | Rekurrenz-Legendre.cof |
141. | Peter de Jong Attraktor | Jong.cof |
142. | Clifford Attraktor | Clifford.cof |
143. | Svensson Attraktor | Svensson.cof Svensson-Attraktor.txt |
144. | Joshi Blackmore Map | Joshi Blackmore.cof Joshi Blackmore Feige.cof |
145. | Limit Cycle Map | Limit Cycle.cof Limit Cycle Spline.cof |
146. | Gaus bzw. Mouse Map | Gauss Feige.cof |
147. | Wu Yang Map | Wu Yang.cof |
148. | Khovanov Luchinsky Map | Khovanov Luchinsky.cof |
149. | Cubic Henon Map | Cubic Henon.cof Cubic Map Feige.cof |
150. | Maynard Smith Map | Maynard Smith.cof Maynard Smith Feige.cof |
151. | Logistic Map | Logistic Map Feige.cof |
152. | Gingerbread Map | Gingerbread.cof |
153. | MacMillan Map | MacMillan.cof |
154. | Chirikov Standard Map | |
155. | Separatrix Map | |
156. | Kent Map | Kent.cof |
157. | Intermittency Map | Intermittency Map.cof |
158. | Piecewise Map | Piecewise Map.cof |
159. | Iterative Map | Iterative Map.cof |
160. | Sinusoidal Map | Sinusoidal Map.cof Sinusoidal Feige.cof |
161. | Singer Map | Singer Map.cof Singer Feige.cof |
162. | Sine Map | Sine Map.cof Sine Map Feige.cof |
163. | Circle Map | Circle Map.cof Circle Map Feige.cof |
164. | Chebyshev Map | Chebyshev Map Feige.cof |
165. | Quadratic Map | Quadratic Map Feige.cof |
166. | Ricker Map | Ricker 1 Feige.cof Ricker 3 Map Feige.cof |
167. | Ricker-Clark Map | Ricker Clark Map Feige.cof |
168. | Ricker-Schreiber Map | Ricker Schreiber Map Feige.cof |
169. | Bellows Map | Bellow Feige.cof |
170. | Varley-Gradwell-Hassell (VGH) Map | VGH.cof VGH Feige.cof |
171. | Modifizierte Mira Map | Modifizierte Mira Map.cof |
172. | Avrutin - Schanz Map | Avrutin Schanz Map.cof Avrutin Schanz Feige 1.cof Avrutin Schanz Feige 2.cof |
173. | Elhadj - Sprott A Map | Elhadj - Sprott A.cof |
174. | Cubic Map | Cubic Map.cof |
175. | Squared Sine Logistic Map | Squared Sine Logistic Map.cof Squared Sine Logistic Map Feige.cof |
176. | Elhadj - Sprott B Map | Elhadj - Sprott B Map.cof Elhadj - Sprott B Feige.cof |
177. | Business Cycle Map | Business Cycle Map.cof |
178. | Dual Henon Map | Dual Henon.cof |
179. | Elhadj - Sprott C Map | Elhadj - Sprott C Map.cof |
180. | Schuster Map | Schuster Map.cof |
181. | Glendinning Map | Glendinning Map.cof Glendinning Map Feige.cof |
182. | Sine Sine Map | Sine Sine Map.cof Sine Sine Map Feige.cof Sine-Sine-Map.txt Sine-Sine-Feige.txt |
183. | Serpentine Map | Serpentine.cof Serpentine Map Feige x.cof Serpentine Map Feige y.cof |
184. | Cross Chaotic Map | Chross Chaotic Map.cof Cross Chaotic Map Feige x.cof Cross Chaotic Map Feige y.cof |
185. | Pomeau-Manneville Map | Pomeau-Manneville Map.cof Pomeau-Manneville Spline.cof |
186. | Pinchers Map | Pinchers Map.cof Pinchers Map Feige.cof |
187. | Multi Sprott C Attractor | Sprott C Attractor.cof Multi Sprott C Attractor-2.cof Multi Sprott C Attractor-3.cof Multi Sprott C Attractor-4.cof Multi Sprott C Attractor-5.cof |
188. | M-Attraktoren | M1-Attraktor.cof M2-Attraktor.cof M3-Attraktor.cof M4-Attraktor.cof M5-Attraktor.cof M6-Attraktor.cof M7-Attraktor.cof M8-Attraktor.cof M9-Attraktor.cof M10-Attraktor.cof |
189. | Provenzale Balmforth Map | Provenzale Balmforth Map.cof Provenzale Balmforth Map1.cof |
190. | Wavelet Map | Wavelet Map Feige.cof |
191. | Wada Kitatsuji Nishio Map | Wada Kitatsuji Nishio Map.cof |
192. | Ikeda Attractor | Ikeda.cof Ikeda1.cof Ikeda Feige.cof |
193. | Yang Cao Attractor | Yang Cao.cof |
194. | Belykh Map | Belykh.cof |
195. | Belykh Map 1 | Belykh1.cof |
196. | DAT Map | DAT Map.cof DAT Map Feige.cof |
197. | Skew Tent Map | Skew Tent Map.cof Skew-Tent Feige.cof |
198. | Sine Square Map | Sine Square Map.cof Sine Square Map Feige.cof |
199. | Climbing Sine Map | Climbing Sine Map.cof Climbing Sine Map Feige.cof |
200. | Sine Iterative Map | Sine Iterative Map.cof |
201. | Tinkerbell Map | Tinkerbell.cof Tinkerbell Map Feige.cof |
202. | Rulkov Map | Rulkov-Map.txt Rulkov-Map-Serie.txt |
203. | Bouali Attraktor Typ III | Bouali-III-1.txt Bouali-III-2.txt Bouali-III-3.txt Bouali-III-4.txt Bouali-III-5.txt |
To use the plugins in Cinema 4D download the Plugin (example Hadley.cof) with "save as" to your harddisc.
Copy the file "Hadley.cof" in the plugin directory of Cinema 4D.
After starting Cinema 4D you find the Pluigin in the plugin menue.
In the plugin menue you can start the plugin.
Da Coffee von den neuen Cinema Versionen nicht mehr unterstützt wird habe ich die neueren Attraktoren in Python Script geschrieben.
Download the file "Bouali-III-1.txt" and rename it in "Bouali-III-1.py". Open "Bouali-III-1.py" in the Script Manager of Cinema 4D.
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