
Chateau Palmer & Chateau Margaux Probe


Am 03. Oktober fand in den Räumen des Weingutes H.J. Kreuzberg in Dernau an der Ahr eine Bordeaux Probe von Rare-Bordeaux-Weine mit Weinen von Château Palmer und Château Margaux statt. Angeboten wurden Jahrgänge von 1947 bis 1990.

Das Weingutes H.J. Kreuzberg.

Die ersten Tropfen wurde im Hof gereicht.

Der Abend begann mit einem Silvaner Winzersekt vom Weingut Rudolf May aus Franken aus einer Magnum.

Weingut Weingut Rudolf May
Jahrgang 2012
Anbaugebiet Franken
Lage Retzstadter Langenberg
Cuvee 100 % Silvaner
Alkohol 12,5 % V/V

Ein schön aromatischer Sekt, auf Silvaner als Rebsorte wäre ich nicht gekommen.

Weiter ging es mit zwei gereiften Rieslingen "Alte Reben" vom Weingut Van Volxem von der Saar.

Weingut Van Volxem
Jahrgang 2006
Anbaugebiet Saar
Cuvee 100 % Riesling
Alkohol 12,0 % V/V

Ein schön gereifter Riesling, leicht rauchig mit einem Hauch Minze.

Weingut Van Volxem
Jahrgang 2009
Anbaugebiet Saar
Cuvee 100 % Riesling
Alkohol 12,0 % V/V

Ein schön gereifter Riesling mit etwas präsenterer Säure als der 2006er.

Den Abschluß bildete eine Flasche 2008 Dom Perignon aus dem Hause Moët & Chandon.

2008 brachten Frühling und Sommer wenig Sonnenlicht, hohe Temperaturen blieben aus. Aber der September perfektionierte – etwas verspätet – den Vintage auf wunderbare Weise. Und gerade als am 15. September mit der Lese begonnen wurde, waren die Wetterbedingungen wirklich perfekt: blauer Himmel und anhaltender nord-nordöstlicher Wind. Die Ernte erstreckte sich über einen langen Zeitraum, um möglichst stark von diesen positiven Bedingungen zu profitieren. Die Trauben waren reifer als erhofft und außergewöhnlich ausgewogen. Die Weinstöcke waren gesund und im besten Zustand.
Zu Anfang präsentiert sich der Vintage komplex und strahlend, mit einem Mix aus weißen Blüten, Zitrusnoten und Aromen von Steinfrüchten. Der Gesamteindruck wird durch die Frische von Anissamen und Minze verstärkt. Später entwickelt der Wein würzige, holzige und Röstaromen.
Nach einer langen Phase der Zurückhaltung hat sich der Wein schließlich geöffnet. Bemerkenswert ist die perfekte Balance zwischen Nase und Gaumen. Sein schlanker, minimalistischer, purer und starker Charakter hat nun eine angenehme Wärme entwickelt. Die fruchtigen Noten sind ausgeprägt und klar. Die charakteristische Säure des Vintage ist wunderbar ausgewogen. Im Nachhall offenbart er sich vorwiegend aromatisch, rauchig und vielversprechend. (Zitat Dom Perignon)

Champagnerhaus Moët & Chandon
Jahrgang 2008
Typ Champagner
Cuvee Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier
Alkohol 12,5 % V/V

Ein schöner Champagner, nur schade das man ihn bei dem Trubel nicht in Ruhe genießen konnte.

Nach dem gelungenen Auftakt ging es in den Probenraun des Weingutes H.J. Kreuzberg. Zur Einstimmung und zum avinieren der Gläser gab es einen 1978 Château Palmer.

Ein schön gereifter Wein mit feiner Nase, dezenter Säure und wenig Tanninen.

Als Überraschung gab es noch einen 1928 Château Palmer.

Der Wein, immerhin schon 92 Jahre als, war schon leicht bräunlich und trübe. Im Aroma dominierten Kräuter wie Liebstöckel, die am Anfang dezente Säure wurde kräftiger.

Die Weine wurden in 5 Flights gereicht. Nach der Probe habe ich versucht die zu den Flights gehörenden Flaschen zu fotografieren, dabei sind in der Hektik, es war schon nach 01:00, leider ein paar Fehler passiert.

1. Flight


1947 Chateau Palmer

1947 Chateau Margaux

1955 Chateau Palmer

1955 Chateau Margaux

2. Flight


1959 Chateau Palmer

1959 Chateau Margaux

1961 Chateau Palmer

1961 Chateau Margaux

3. Flight


1962 Chateau Palmer

1962 Chateau Margaux

1966 Chateau Palmer

1966 Chateau Margaux

4. Flight


1983 Chateau Palmer

1983 Chateau Margaux

1989 Chateau Palmer

1989 Chateau Margaux

5. Flight


1982 Chateau Palmer

1982 Chateau Margaux

1985 Chateau Palmer

1985 Chateau Margaux

1. Flight

1947 Ch. Palmer    1947 Ch. Margaux    1955 Ch. Palmer    1955 Ch. Margaux

1947 Chateau Palmer

Jahrgang 1947
AOC Margaux

Der Wein war leicht bräunlich und hatte eine dezente Nase mit etwas Kräutern und Frucht, einen guten Körper mit präsenter Säure und Tanninen und guter Länge.

1947 Chateau Margaux

Château Margaux 1947 is an outstandingly great wine, particularly powerful and still very fresh. The bouquet is intense and mellow, with very ripe fruit coming through. On the palate, the power of the tannins comes to the fore, leaving a slightly dry impression, which is quite typical of the wines of this generation. This type of wine was made for long ageing. It can be enjoyed now, of course, but it can be laid down without any problem for many more years. (March 2017)
1947 was one of the hottest years of the century; it was one of a run of very hot years with 1945, 1946, and 1949. Was global-warming already with us ? (Zitat Château Margaux)

Jahrgang 1947
AOC Margaux
Lesebeginn 16. September 1947

Der Wein kam mit überraschend klarer roter Farbe ins Glas. In der Nase etwas Kräuter (Minze, Menthol ?), keine negativen Alterstöne, am Gaumen mit feiner Süße und gut eingebundener Säure. Ein schön gereifter Wein.

1955 Chateau Palmer

Jahrgang 1947
AOC Margaux

Der Wein hatte eine rote Farbe, eine feine Nase mit etwas Frucht und Graphit, einen guten Körper mit präsenter Säure und Tanninen und guter Länge.

1955 Chateau Margaux

1955 combined most of the characteristics that are necessary to make a great vintage, in particular, a hot, dry August and excellent conditions during the harvest. Château Margaux 1955 was a success :The wine is light in color. The bouquet is superb, the palate is perfectly harmonious. It lacks perhaps a bit more density that would justify describing it as a truly great vintage. It is perfect to enjoy now, but its development in bottle, and especially in magnum, could surprise us yet. (Mars 2017)
After a rainy start to the summer, in June and July, the months of August and September were dry and hot. The fine weather carried on throughout the harvest. (Zitat Château Margaux)

Jahrgang 1955
AOC Margaux
Lesebeginn 22. September 1955

Der Wein hatte eine klare dunkelrote Farbe, eine feine Nase mit etwas Frucht und etwas Kräutern, einen guten Körper mit präsenter Säure und Tanninen und guter Länge. Er wirkte deutlich jugendlicher als die 8 Jahre Unterschied zum 47er Margaux erwarten lassen.

2. Flight

1959 Ch. Palmer    1959 Ch. Margaux    1961 Ch. Palmer    1961 Ch. Margaux

1959 Chateau Palmer

1959 is an outstandingly great vintage. It was the first one to be qualified as the «vintage of the century». Following on from a fairly mild winter, the vines began to grow on March 25th. The impressive alterations in the daytime temperatures at the beginning of April encouraged their growth. Spring came prematurely and was both mild and beautiful. The first flowers appeared on May 26th and flowering continued on in excellent conditions with full bloom reaching its peak on June 6th. July was dry and very hot with a record amount of sunshine. A change in the first grains was observed on July 28th. August was incredibly dry and the vines began to suffer from a lack of water therefore delaying maturity until the arrival of salutary rain in mid-September. Harvesting began on September 21st with an ideal high-pressure system. 1959, a hot and dry year with a few beneficial showers, belongs in the category of exceptional vintages. The wines are smooth, full-bodied, powerful, fruitful and opulent, with intense color. (Zitat Château Palmer)

Jahrgang 1959
AOC Margaux
Cuvee 52 % Merlot, 30 % Cabernet Sauvignon, 10 % Cabernet Franc, 8 % Petit Verdot
Lesezeitraum 21. September bis 07. Oktober 1959

Der Wein hatte eine rote, leicht bräunliche Farbe, eine feine Nase mit etwas Kräutern, einen guten Körper mit dominanter Säure.

1959 Chateau Margaux

Even before the beginning of the harvest, this vintage was acclaimed as "vintage of the century". It is true that in every part of France the summer had been exceptionally hot and dry in fact, not only Bordeaux but also Burgundy and Champagne had great success. The heat-wave during the harvest made the vinification difficult, and sometimes perilous, since few cellars at that time had equipment to cool the fermenting musts. It has sometimes been said that 1959 was the last great vintage of a bygone age; 1961 being the first one in the modern era. Château Margaux 1959 is really a great wine, with a powerful, complex, very fine and elegant bouquet but a little less profound and rich than the 1961. On the palate, it is very concentrated, powerful, but rather less long and less smooth than the 1961. Without any question, it is a very great bottle, which should be enjoyed now. The magnums today are showing more freshness; they can be kept for a few more years. (October 2018)
An exceptionally good summer brought the grapes to remarkable ripeness. It rained a little before the harvest, then the fine weather returned and got even hotter than before. (Zitat Château Margaux)

Jahrgang 1959
AOC Margaux
Lesebeginn 24. September 1959

Der Wein hatte eine rote Farbe, eine feine Nase mit etwas Frucht und Graphit, einen guten Körper mit präsenter Säure und Tanninen. Besser als der 59er Palmer.

1961 Chateau Palmer

Thomas Duroux regards 1961 as «the vintage that contributes more than any other to the legend of Château Palmer».The beautiful spring weather at the end of February made the vines ‘weep’. Frost was feared. March was sunny and dry and the vines grew rapidly. On March 21st and 29th, two successive frosty spells weakened the vineyard but did not cause too much damage. Good weather in May allowed for early flowering on the 16th, but an unusual cold spell harmed the fertilization and delayed the next stage of the flowering process. There was significant coulure. A small harvest was expected. In the end, a very dry summer and a hot September dried the grapes out, but the vines suffered. Harvesting began on September 19th under a blazing sun. Heavy rain was welcomed on 20th and temperatures dropped, which allowed the grapes to reach an exceptional level of maturity. High concentration and small quantities combined to produce wines of great quality. Right from the start of the winemaking process, the colour, the sugar content and the tannins were extraordinary. Today, it is a wine without end, at the height of complexity and depth that continues to seduce thanks to its consistency and its smoothness which vergers on that of liquor. (Zitat Château Palmer)

Jahrgang 1961
AOC Margaux
Cuvee 52 % Merlot, 30 % Cabernet Sauvignon, 5 % Cabernet Franc, 13 % Petit Verdot
Lesezeitraum 19. bis 27. September 1961

Der Wein hatte eine rote Farbe, eine feine Nase mit ätherischen Noten (Menthol ?), einen guten Körper mit feiner Säure und Tanninen und guter Länge. Ein schön gereifter Wein mit spannender Nase, das Hightlight der Probe neben dem 47er Margaux.

1961 Chateau Margaux

It has sometimes been said that 1961 was the greatest vintage since 1900. Our memory does not always serve us well, but there is no doubt that this vintage displays quite extraordinary qualities, which we would not find again until the 1982 vintage. 1961 not only benefited from remarkable weather conditions, but also from the first achievements of what was called "modern oenology" under the inspiration of Professor Ribereau Gayon and Doctor Emile Peynaud. Château Margaux 1961 is a sumptuous wine, at the same time soft, harmonious, rich, very dense and full of freshness. Its bouquet is unique : over the smell of undergrowth, so characteristic of the great wines of that era, comes a layer of indescribable fruity and floral fragrance... Smelling this wine is a moment of unforgettable excitement, of pure emotion! The sensations that come through on the palate are a harmonious match to the aromatic festival on the nose : its tannic density asserts itself smoothly and delicately, the finish is a strong and yet tender caress. A really wonderful wine. Today, the 1961 has lost none of its freshness, keeping in mind the magnums are showing more consistency than the bottles. Of course, it can be opened now, but it was built for eternity...(Oct 2018)
A sharp spring frost and exceptional "coulure" due to an intensely cold spell at the end of May drastically reduced the crop size. Then, the wonderful weather conditions during the summer, which was particularly dry and hot, enabled this small crop to reach really extraordinary ripeness and concentration. (Zitat Château Margaux)

Jahrgang 1961
AOC Margaux
Lesebeginn 19. September 1961

Der Wein hatte eine rote Farbe, eine feine Nase mit etwas Frucht und präsenter Säure.

3. Flight

1962 Ch. Palmer    1962 Ch. Margaux    1966 Ch. Palmer    1966 Ch. Margaux

1962 Chateau Palmer

Initially underestimated, due to its illustrious elder, 1962 went on to prove itself as a very good vintage. Château Palmer considers it is a wine of matter, less refined than that of 1961 but perfectly structured. The winter went by smoothly. A cold spell at the end of February hampered the vegetation period, which only began on April 10th, 3 weeks later than usual. Progress was delayed due to a cold but frostless beautiful month of April. On 24th and 25th the weather was spring-like and the vegetation flourished rapidly. However, in May, the weather became unstable and rainy and the vines struggled. Things looked up in early June and full bloom was announced on 17th, in exceptional conditions. Blazing heat on 23rd caused some coulure. The month of July, cool and wet, ended with a harmless hailstorm on 26th. In August, the heat and a drought restored hope despite the delay in the vines’ growth the previous month. The véraison, however, was slow to finish, presaging a late harvest. Temperatures dropped with the arrival of rain on September 25th. Harvesting began on October 1st with optimistic forecasts concerning both quality and quantity. It was the most abundant harvest of the 1960s.This vintage represents an architectural constructed wine that has defied time. It is a wine of great sensitivity, memorable for its minty freshness, its elegance and its flavor. (Zitat Château Palmer)

Jahrgang 1962
AOC Margaux
Cuvee 48 % Merlot, 35 % Cabernet Sauvignon, 9 % Cabernet Franc, 8 % Petit Verdot
Lesezeitraum 1. bis 16. Oktober 1962

Der Wein hatte eine rote Farbe, eine feine Nase mit etwas Frucht, am Gaumen etwas metallisch und leicht bitter. Die einzige Enttäuschung der Probe.

1962 Chateau Margaux

This vintage is an example of something rare in those times: a successful late-ripening year. Unfortunately, coming so soon after the extraordinary 1961, this very fine wine was a little overshadowed. Château Margaux 1962 is, after 1961 and perhaps before 1966, one of the best vintages of the 1960s, though it is true that the decade included many lesser vintages. It is a fleshy wine, well balanced, rich and mature; very pleasant to drink today. The magnums have kept a distinct freshness compared with the bottles. (September 2002)
1962 was a late-ripening year which nevertheless benefited from excellent ripening conditions for the grapes. (The picking began 3rd October) (Zitat Château Margaux)

Jahrgang 1962
AOC Margaux
Lesebeginn 3. Oktober 1962

Der Wein hatte eine rote Farbe, eine feine Nase mit schöner Frucht und präsenter Säure.

1966 Chateau Palmer

1966 is a good vintage at Château Palmer. It is the fourth best of the 60s. It precedes the excellent 1970. After a mild winter, the vegetation phase began at the end of March and accelerated over a beautiful month of April. The first flowers were spotted late May. Flowering took place under good conditions despite a little rain on June 9th and 10th. T weather over the two summer months was more varied. Rain in July, followed by a fine but cold month of August delayed ripening and maturation. In turn, the press announced a truly catastrophic vintage. However, luckily the sun and high temperatures returned on August 26th and continued on throughout September thus favouring good maturation, allowing for the shaping of a long-keeping classically beautiful vintage.1966 is a very fine vintage, with remarkable precision and a sharp palate. Structurally, it is not the most interesting of vintages but it is luminous and its acidity helps to preserve the fruit’s freshness and elegance. (Zitat Château Palmer)

Jahrgang 1966
AOC Margaux
Cuvee 50 % Merlot, 22 % Cabernet Sauvignon, 12 % Cabernet Franc, 16 % Petit Verdot
Lesezeitraum 24. September bis 7. Oktober 1966

Der Wein hatte eine klare rote Farbe, eine feine Nase mit etwas Frucht und leicht animalischen Noten, einen guten Körper mit präsenter Säure und kräftigen Tanninen. Ein interessanter Wein, ich fand ihn sehr gut aber an Btettanomyces Aromen scheiden sich die Geister.

1966 Chateau Margaux

A rich wine with a very fine tannic structure, which has now developed lots of finesse and softness on the palate although somewhat marked by the tannins on the finish. If it does not have the charm of the 1962, it is nonetheless excellent and remains one of the top three vintages of this decade. (October 2017)
After a rainy start to the growing season, August and especially September were hot and dry. September in particular was exceptionally hot, which allowed the grapes to ripen in excellent conditions. (Zitat Château Margaux)

Jahrgang 1966
AOC Margaux
Lesebeginn 20. September 1966

Der Wein hatte eine klare rote Farbe, eine feine Nase mit etwas süßer Frucht, einen guten Körper mit etwas Frucht und präsenter Säure.

4. Flight

1983 Ch. Palmer    1983 Ch. Margaux    1989 Ch. Palmer    1989 Ch. Margaux

1983 Chateau Palmer

1983 is a powerful, long and complex vintage. It is the best Château Palmer of the 1980s. And yet, the first 5 months of the year did not let on! During January and February there were regular cold spells as well as some particularly mild weather for the season. March was fairly cold and wet. The vines began to grow on March 28th. April and May were abominable. It rained nonstop and the nights were cold. The vines did not grow as expected. Spring began on June 4th with a late bloom, which was normal due to the hot and dry weather. The vines grew quickly and were plentiful. After an incredibly hot and dry month of July, August was equally hot but also very humid. Fungus spread abundantly. In spite of this, the vines were beautiful and the véraison progressed perfectly. On September 9th, the weather cleared up and the wind turned. This was conducive to a slow maturation of the grapes. It also helped in limiting diseases. Thanks to a succession of warm and sunny days as from late September to mid- October, the berries reached sugar levels comparable to or even higher than those of 1982. 1983 is an incredibly highly concentrated vintage. The wines have very ripe tannins, which retain all their vigor and density. The wine is noble with opulent fruity notes and an impeccable freshness that emphasizes its mellowness. (Zitat Château Palmer)

Jahrgang 1983
AOC Margaux
Cuvee 41 % Merlot, 53 % Cabernet Sauvignon, 4 % Cabernet Franc, 2 % Petit Verdot
Lesezeitraum 28. September bis 13. Oktober 1983

Der Wein hatte eine rote Farbe, eine feine Nase mit feiner Frucht, einen guten Körper mit feiner Frucht.

1983 Chateau Margaux

The spectacular success of the Margaux appellation in this vintage partly remains an enigma, which goes to show how limited our knowledge is about what makes a vintage successful… It would appear that the stormy rain showers in August were less heavy in Margaux than in other regions around Bordeaux. The 1983 Château Margaux is a very fine wine, that certain tasters find better than the 1982 vintage. We have followed this pair of vintages since the beginning with curiosity and sheer pleasure without ever making a definitive judgement as to their respective qualities. Over the years, one tasted better than the other and vice-versa…
Today, the 1983 is certainly one of the most classic Château Margaux of the last forty years. The bouquet has developed well, it has become rich, complex and mature. On the palate, the impression remains of great power. balanced by remarkable freshness. We are starting to detect some variability among the bottles, but the magnums are consistently remarkable (October 2018)
After a very rainy spring, the month of June was hot and dry, making excellent conditions for the flowering. The summer was hot and humid, almost tropical, thus causing potential risks of disease. Then, as from the 10th September, very fine hot and sunny weather set in, helping the grapes to reach excellent ripeness levels. (Zitat Château Margaux)

Jahrgang 1983
AOC Margaux
Lesebeginn 29. September 1983

Der Wein hatte eine dunkelrote Farbe, eine feine Nase mit etwas Frucht, einen guten Körper mit schöner Frucht und präsenten Tanninen.

1989 Chateau Palmer

1989 is one of the great vintages of Château Palmer, perfectly balanced and exquisitely detailed. It is a wine that can be described as cerebral. It is less exuberant than the 1983 or 1990. Its nose is a little reserved and slightly floral. It has a nice acidity that prolongs the wine. In January, the weather was quite foggy and temperatures were mild. February was colder with a record drought for the month. March was truly beautiful and spring-like. The vines started to grow on 20th and progressed rapidly, ten days earlier than an average year. Flowering took place in May under a warm climate thus accelerating the development of vegetation. The first flowers appeared on 22nd. In June, temperatures continued to rise. The vines were beautiful and grains formed on 9th. A persistent drought allowed the berries to grow quickly. July and August, beautiful, although too hot at times, were blessed with local rain showers, bringing sufficient water to the thirsty vines. We noted the first grain alterations on July 16th. A bit of rain early September made harvesting dates complicated to decide upon, especially for the Cabernet Sauvignon, whose elevated sugar levels overtook that of the polyphenols. The alcoholic and tannic riches were very high whilst acidity levels were low. The tannins were ripe and blended. The wines are fleshy, full-bodied and powerful yet supple. 1989 is definitely an exceptional vintage that needs to be kept. (Zitat Château Palmer)

Jahrgang 1989
AOC Margaux
Cuvee 41 % Merlot, 52 % Cabernet Sauvignon, 1 % Cabernet Franc, 6 % Petit Verdot
Lesezeitraum 6. bis 23. September 1989

Der Wein hatte eine dunkelrote Farbe, eine feine Nase mit feiner Frucht, einen guten Körper mit feiner Frucht, etwas Säure, präsenten Tanninen und feiner Süße. Ein schön gereifter Wein.

1989 Chateau Margaux

The harvest in 1989 was the earliest since 1893, when it started on August 17th at Château Margaux… Merlot, Cabernets, and Petit Verdot reached an exceptional level of ripeness, which brought back memories of the legendary 1982. The sugar levels were even higher in 1989.
The development of the wine in bottle has confirmed the great expectations we immediately had at the harvest. Richness, complexity and opulence could be the key words to describe this outstanding wine. We felt it was a wine which was already nice to drink from the day it was made; it was actually the great ripeness of the grapes which gave the tannins that smoothness which is only normally acquired after a long period in bottle. A grand wine which you can start to open now, but don't feel the need to rush. (October 2018)
1989 will long be remembered as an exceptionally early vintage and a very easy one, from a vine-growing point of view. The flowering, then the colour-change and the ripening all took place in perfect weather, which was particularly hot and dry. Finally, there was not one single day of rain during the harvest. From beginning to end, then, 1989 was a dream year. (Zitat Château Margaux)

Jahrgang 1989
AOC Margaux
Lesebeginn 11. September 1989

Der Wein hatte eine rote Farbe, eine feine Nase mit etwas Frucht und etwas Graphit, einen guten Körper mit feiner Frucht und leichter Süße. Ein schön gereifter Wein.

5. Flight

Hier fehlten leider die Château Margaux.

1982 Ch. Palmer    1982 Ch. Margaux    1985 Ch. Palmer    1985 Ch. Margaux

1982 Chateau Palmer

1982 is a highly respected vintage at Château Palmer. 1982 is one of Bordeaux’s greatest vintages. The climatic conditions were exceptionally favorable throughout the year. The winter season was abnormally beautiful and mild, resulting in early budding as of March 16th. Early April, the mornings were chilly and frost was feared. Luckily, the vineyard did not suffer and the vines started to grow rapidly as from 17th, a hot and dry day. This exceptional phase continued on throughout the rest of the year. Whilst the vines continued to make great progress, the lack of water began to be catastrophic for other crops. The first flowers were observed around May 27th. Flowering took place in excellent conditions, up until June 14th. Temperatures sore in July and the véraison started on the 25th. However, we did hope for a little rain as the vines were starting to show signs of suffering from such excessive dryness. Fortunately, the month of August brought rain, which hastened the ripening process and encouraged the growth of the berries. The vines were beautiful and a plentiful harvest was predicted. Picking began on September 15th at Château Palmer in remarkable and rare conditions. The grapes were extremely ripe, with low acidity and soft, fine tannins. Today, the wines are silky, with a lot of fruity flavors. They possess all of the qualities of long-aging wines. Château Palmer’s terroir and style are fully expressed with this vintage. (Zitat Château Palmer)

Jahrgang 1982
AOC Margaux
Cuvee 42 % Merlot, 48 % Cabernet Sauvignon, 7 % Cabernet Franc, 3 % Petit Verdot
Lesezeitraum 15. September bis 5. Oktober 1982

Der Wein hatte eine rote Farbe, eine feine Nase mit schöner Frucht, einen guten Körper mit etwas Frucht, etwas Säure und gut eingebundenen Tanninen.

1982 Chateau Margaux

This wine has opened up considerably in the last 10 years and when we have the chance to compare it to the 1983, it seems slowly, but surely to take the lead, even when taking bottle variation into consideration. Château Margaux 1982 is a very powerful, fleshy and complex wine. The bouquet is already outstandingly rich and dense. The impression on the palate is at once of great power, roundness and suppleness. Such a balance is rare. A sublime wine.You can start drinking it now, but there is really no hurry... (October 2018)
Throughout the whole year, the weather conditions were very favourable for the vines and for the ripening of the grapes. After an early flowering, the summer was particularly hot, especially in July and during the first two weeks of September. The grapes reached outstanding ripeness levels with, among other feats, a record concentration in sugar. (Zitat Château Margaux)

Jahrgang 1982
AOC Margaux
Lesebeginn 20. September 1982

Der Wein hatte eine dunkelrote Farbe, eine feine komplexe Nase mit schöner Frucht und etwas Graphit, einen guten Körper mit feiner Frucht. Ein schön gereifter Wein, besser als der 82er Palmer.

1985 Chateau Palmer

1985 is an elegant vintage. It was an abundant year that gives a very classic example of the terroirs of Bordeaux, with well-balanced and harmonious wines, often compared to those of 1953. The year began with a cold month of January, causing damage in some vineyards. February, mild and pleasant, came as a welcome change. March was chilly for the season and the spring weather, warm and sunny, only really arrived on March 31st. The vines started to grow around April 3rd. Early May was still beautiful and the vines developed quickly. Damage due to January’s Siberian cold spell was recorded across some other vineyards. Subsequently, the weather worsened over the next few weeks until a beautiful sun appeared for the flowering period, which took place under perfect conditions. The summer was mild and continued on until the end of October, allowing for excellent véraison and optimal ripening, with an unusual time lapse between the Merlot and the Cabernet Sauvignon. July was hot with rainy spells. August was cooler but dry and September enjoyed record dryness and heat. The warm weather persisted throughout October, allowing ripe and healthy grapes with soft, well-melted tannins and low acidity to be harvested. At Château Palmer, 1985 is a very intense and silky vintage. It is round and classic. The tannins are fine and its finish is fresh. (Zitat Château Palmer)

Jahrgang 1985
AOC Margaux
Cuvee 33 % Merlot, 57 % Cabernet Sauvignon, 6 % Cabernet Franc, 4 % Petit Verdot
Lesezeitraum 30. September bis 13. Oktober 1985

Der Wein hatte eine rote Farbe, eine feine Nase mit schöner Frucht und einen guten Körper.

1985 Chateau Margaux

1985 is an outstanding vintage, as much in terms of quality as in quantity. It has always been very pleasant to drink, almost right from the end of the fermentation. The nose is still astonishingly fruity, fine and elegant and has become more developed and very complex. On the palate, we are first struck by the delicacy and charm of the particularly round and silky tannins, but the length and finish also display a great concentration.
1985 today is one of our most appealing vintages and it seems to be at its peak, even if it is likely to surprise us again in the coming decades. (October 2018)
After a quite cool and late start to the growing season, this vintage was influenced by very advantageous ripening and harvesting conditions, especially during the months of September and October, which were very hot and dry. The leaves on the vines refused to fall until late into November. This Indian summer will be remembered a long time. (Zitat Château Margaux)

Jahrgang 1985
AOC Margaux
Lesebeginn 26. September 1985

Der Wein hatte eine dunkelrote Farbe, eine feine Nase mit schöner Frucht und etwas Graphit, einen guten Körper mit feiner Frucht. Besser als der 85er Palmer.

Während der Probe wurde ein von zwei Köchen zubereitetes Menü gereicht.

Das Menü

  • Gougeres
    kleine Käsewindbeutel
  • Pasteten mit Sot l´y laisse
    ein Narr wer sie liegenläßt
  • Plat Principal
    zweierlei vom Wild mit Selleriepüree und Rotkohlknödel, im Hauptgang wird es wild
  • Dessert
    Butterbrioche verwandelt in arme Ritter mit Kürbisparfait und Pflaumen in Gewürzsauce

kleine Käsewindbeutel

Leider hatte ich vergessen sie richtig zu fotografieren.

Die Käse Windbeutel (Gougères) waren schön locker und hatten ein feines Aroma, sehr lecker.

Pasteten mit Sot l´y laisse
ein Narr wer sie liegenläßt

Die Blätterteig Pastete war mit Ragout fin aus Sot l´y laisse und Champignons gefüllt. Geschmacklich sehr gut aber die Blätterteig Pastete war so hart und zäh das sie mit dem Messer kaum zu schneiden war. Gerade noch sehr lecker.

Plat Principal
zweierlei vom Wild mit Selleriepüree und Rotkohlknödel, im Hauptgang wird es wild

Als Hauptgang (Plat Principal) gab es zwei kleine zarte Wild Schnitzel und ein zartes aromatisches Wild Gulasch. Als Beilage gab es ein cremiges Sellerie Püree mit feinem Aroma und ein mit Rotkohl gefüllten Knödel. Der Rotkohl war fein abgeschmeckt und hatte eine perfekter Textur. Sehr lecker.

Butterbrioche verwandelt in arme Ritter mit Kürbisparfait und Pflaumen in Gewürzsauce

Als Dessert gab es eine Interpretation der Armen Ritter. Der Brioche war sehr zart und aussen leicht kross. Dazu gab es ein leicht gewürztes Pflaumen Kompott und ein cremiges Kürbiskern Parfait mit feinem Aroma. Ein schönes Dessert, sehr lecker.

Nach der Bordeaux Probe stellte uns Herr Kreuzberg noch einige seiner Spätburgunder Spezialitäten vor.
Das Weingut H.J. Kreuzberg baut auf 8,5 ha Riesling, Spätburgunder und Frühburgunder an. Die Lagen sind Dernauer Pfarrwingert, Neuenahrer Sonnenberg, Ahrweiler Silberberg, Dernauer Hardtberg und Neuenahrer Schieferlay. Produziert werden ca. 70000 Flkaschen bei einem Ertrag von ca. 66 hl/ha.

Weingut H.J. Kreuzberg H.J. Kreuzberg H.J. Kreuzberg
Jahrgang 2008 2009 2012
Anbaugebiet Ahr Ahr Ahr
Lage "Devonschiefer R" Ahrweiler Silberberg GG Ahrweiler Silberberg GG
Cuvee 100 % Spätburgunder 100 % Spätburgunder 100 % Spätburgunder
Alkohol 13,5 % V/V 13,5 % V/V 13,0 % V/V

Der 2008er Devonschiefer hatte eine leicht würzige, feine Nase, eine schöne Frucht und ein komplexes Aroma.
Der 2009er Ahrweiler Silberberg war schön gereift mit feiner Nase.
Der 2012er Ahrweiler Silberberg hatte im Gegensatz zum 2008er noch leicht "pfeffrige" Aromen.

Weingut H.J. Kreuzberg
Jahrgang 2018
Anbaugebiet Ahr
Lage "Devonschiefer R"
Cuvee 100 % Spätburgunder
Alkohol 13,5 % V/V

Zum Schluß gab es zum Vergleich zum gereiften 2008er Devonschiefer noch den jugendlichen 2018 Devonschiefer mit schönen "pfeffrigen" Primäraromen. Die Unterschiede zwischen dem Devonschiefer und dem Ahrweiler Silberberg waren schon spannend.

Weingut H.J. Kreuzberg
Jahrgang 2018
Anbaugebiet Ahr
Typ "Portwein"
Alkohol 18 % V/V

Ein schöner Wein, fruchtig, alkoholisch mit feiner Süße.

Fazit: Ein schöner Abend mit vielen interessanten Eindrücken, wenn auch mit 1150 € nicht ganz billig.

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